Creative Cheaper Life Options

The good life is slipping away from us all. There are so many goals and life accomplishments that are left unmet by the time the average person is thirty-five. The midlife crisis affects everyone in society today. The astronomical housing market prohibits the older generation from purchasing and keeping a home. This was a prime priority at one time in society. The alarming unemployment rate that seems not be lowering is another reason for goals being unmet. One of these life options can be to share a home with another. There are mansions that are totally empty because the owner is away working just to pay the utility bills for the home. Why not share the home with a less fortunate family?

Cheaper life options relative to employment would be to job share. This would provide employment to two people that would otherwise be subject to unemployment. The fact that dwindling unemployment funds are available to those who can collect it is at best minimal payment for the average rent or utility. Job security even in the form of part time employment is a workable source of income that can pay partial bills if nothing else. The necessities of life such as food can be purchased in bulk and shared as another option for a less expensive life. The fact is that research for budget ways to life should be constantly going on in order to protect against actual loss.

The housing component is a major factor in survival and a primary concern that would cause the necessary consideration of a budget option. Research on the homeless across the country indicates it is a definite problem because the income still can’t pay some of the rents of the homes and apartments offered today. There are complexes being constructed which offer a discount for certain ages of occupants. The seniors for fifty-five and above, are being offered apartments with amenities such as laundry and free internet services. These complexes also offer a discount on the move in fees. Move in fees is another option that can be researched. Some of the costs to move into an apartment are just too expensive. People that have fixed incomes need to consider sharing housing. This would create less of a burden for paying rent. When the rent can be shared, the utilities can be shared and other ways of creating a cheaper life can be explored,  life can be enjoyed!

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