Moving your business to the cloud offers you unparalleled stability. If your physical system fails due to a disaster, something like a flood, a fire, or even an earthquake, you know that your data is still secure on the cloud. Using a local server in your building exposes you to these types of dangers, but the cloud offers data redundancy over multiple systems and servers, making for much easier recovery. Thanks to this redundancy, your entire server could be restored to another computer if the main machine has broken down.
The other main benefit of operating in the cloud is easy scalability. Local servers need continual updating of software and can run out of hard drive space, but when you use a cloud service, your IT department can add extra space and resources easily. This also means that you only have to pay for the resources that you use, and not have to save up additional hardware just in case.
How Cloud Services Lower IT Costs
It can be difficult to start up a new business when someone does not have an abundant amount of resources, capital, or time. Doing so efficiently means that one must focus on a company's strengths while trying to minimize weaknesses. While worth the effort, investing in new employees and infrastructure for the IT department can be expensive. One alternative to traditional systems is to use cloud services instead.
One area in which cloud computing works particularly well is in accounting or financial software.
Although there are many types of software from which to choose (custom or off-the shelf), smaller businesses would do well to look for cloud-based services instead. Not only are licensing costs cheaper, but so-called SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) options often include the same functionality that users of desktop systems expect. These systems can update in real-time, delivering accurate, up-to-date information to all users.
Cloud services allow even the smallest business to use web applications for a variety of business needs, including productivity, accounting, and time management without having to spend huge amounts of money on new employees, software, and hardware. Cutting costs often means reducing functionality. Fortunately, switching to cloud-based services delivers all the usual features without a high cost. This allows businesses and clients to put their resources to better use.